27 de janeiro de 2011


Oi gente, entao, passando aqui para contar do meu rematch.
Bom, sempre achei que as coisas aqui estavam indo bem, eles nunca tinham reclamado de nada. Estava toda feliz e tal. Ai do nada aparece aquele e-mail, que foi o post anterior. Entao, levei numa boa, fiz as melhorias que eles queriam e tal, eu ja fazia tudo aquilo, mas tentei mostrar mais servico. Ate ai tudo bem.
Ai num belo dia estava eu la, era umas 6 da tarde, eu estava limpando os brinquedos, a minha host chega e fala assim: Entao, deixa para fazer isso depois pq a LCC esta vindo para ca.
Eu pensei que era uma visita normal que eles fazem, tudo bem. Parei o que estava fazendo, fui tomar banho e tal.
Ai ela chegou! Sentamos todos na mesa.
Ai ela comecou a falar um monte, um monte mesmo. Nossa, ainda bem que nao entendi tudo, pq senao tinha desmaiado ali na hora. uauahua
Meo, umas coisas que nunca fiz na vida, nao deu tempo de falar uma palavra, ai ela ja falou: amanha te coloco em rematch e vc pode procurar por outra familia! Tipo, meo, foi pior que o aprendiz com Roberto Justos.
Bom, recebi ligacao de duas familias. Nao sei o que fazer, se volto, se fico, relamente nao sei.

So espero que faca a melhor opcao. Seja o que tiver que ser.

17 de janeiro de 2011

Au pair estressada!! Meninas me ajudem!

Gente, estou aqui ha quatro meses! E super sad! Ainda mais depois que passei uma semana com meu namorado e a familia dele, foi super bom, mas voltar ao normal depois nao eh facil!!
Bom, mas eh o seguinte! Gente recebi um e-mail aqui dos meus hosts. Gente, nao sei. Mas acho que nao mereco isso.

Some areas that we would like to see improvement:

  • We want to see you take the initiative in planning some different activities with Case and Carter.  For example, we think that you should be teaching Case how to count, recognize numbers, write numbers, say his abc’s, write his abc’s, trace and write his letters, trace and write his name, etc.  Both Carter and Case should be read to daily for 20-30 minutes. ( Gente, todos os dias eu leio livros para eles, eu fico colorindo, recortando numeros, desenhando tudo que vc imagina!!! Como essa mulher vem falar isso??))
  • We have noticed that you are not cleaning up the playroom or the kitchen every day.  All bottles should be put in the dishwasher, and once snack is over it needs to be cleaned up, the table/chairs should be wiped clean, and the dishes from snack should be put away. 
  • Diapers should be thrown away and not left on the pack and play—garbage cans in Carter’s room and the bathroom should be emptied every 2 days with a new garbage bag put in. 
  • The boys laundry should be washed every Monday and Thursday and put away the same day—The sheets you are changing one time/week and doing a good job with that.  If something happens and you can not wash clothes on Monday then wash them Tuesday. 

  • Healthy snacks for Case—please no candy or chocolate 
  • You have most weekends off, but if you need a weekend off, we need to know in advance—You are entitled to one full weekend off a month

  • You are responsible for keeping your room clean including running the sweeper and dusting. You should do this at least every day and you should take the garbage out on a daily basis.
  • Carter should be changed every two hours, before and after nap and immediately if he poops. 
  • While Carter is napping you really need to be teaching Case during this time period. 

  • You need to wash your personal clothing on your own time—not while you are scheduled to work. 
  • We noticed that your boyfriend calls throughout the day.  We are not sure if you are speaking to him for an extended period of time.  We want to make sure you know that you are to keep personal phone calls to a minimum while you are  watching the boys.
  • When we call your cell phone or the house phone you do not always answer.  Your phone is often in the same area you are.  You need to answer our calls or call us back right away—This is the reason we purchased you a cell phone.  This is part of your work duties. 

  • Carter should not watch any TV and Case should only watch a show while you are cooking lunch or feeding Carter or if he is sick.  He can watch the leap frog letter dvd many times a week.  He does not have to watch TV when you cook or feed Carter.  This is only if needed.

  • If we give you information and you do not understand us we have no way of knowing unless you tell us.  It is your responsibility to let us know. 

  • We really miss our boys while we are at work and when we ask about their day or you complete their daily sheet you do not give us any information about what you did with them throughout the day.  We need to know more.  You often do not even complete the daily sheet anymore or just say their day was good.
We are not trying to be mean, but we want to make sure that you understand that your boyfriend can not come here on Friday

Ai no final ela fal assim: One of the reasons we chose you is because you wanted to be a part of our family.

Gente! Preciso de paciencia!