22 de fevereiro de 2011

Rain donuts

Modestia a parte, ficou muito bom.
Todos gostaram, foi muito bom. 
Aqui eles chamam de Rain donuts
Ai vai a receita:

3 eggs
3 cup flour
5 tablespoons sugar
1 pinch salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup milk
Vegetale oil for frying
Cinnamon sugar


1. Beat the eggs, add sugar, milk, salt, and mix it well.
2. Then add the flour, and the baking powder last.
3. To fry the donuts, use a 1/2 tbsp of dough, drop it in a pan with heated oil ( enough to cover the whole donut) and fry it for about a minute ( or until it looks golden brown) on medium low heat.
4. Sprinkle with cinnamom sugar.

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